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Screenfile MANYCNF.SCN Screen# 01
In this section of the documentation we discuss how to use PAYROLL USA with
multiple employee files. You may need this feature if you are an Accountant
processing client payroll, or if you have branch operations in more than one
State so you have two or more sets of State Taxes to configure. In either case
each group of employees is totally isolated from each other as different data
directories are used for each. Seperate reports are produced for each. If you
need to combine them, for example your home office is in Detroit, Michigan, but
you have a branch office 50 miles to the South in Toledo, Ohio, and you want to
account for your overall payroll at both locations, then do it in your General
Ledger Accounting System by using the same series of GL Account numbers for all
but State Taxes, or by consolidating them at some later point in your
Everybody starts with one set of employee files, the first one input. At this
point you have only one configuration file PAYUSA.CNF and as long as the only
*.CNF file you have is called PAYUSA.CNF you will never be asked about multiple
files. To trip the logic which handles multiple files you must have a
configuration file that is not called PAYUSA.CNF . So, to initiate this we
REName PAYUSA.CNF SMITH.CNF . We called it SMITH you can call it whatever is
meaningful in 8 characters or less, JONES.CNF, 12345678.CNF, etc. The rename
is done from the DOS prompt for the directory containing the payroll programs
and it is done before starting PAYUSA. This directory will be called \PAYPGMS
but it can be on any hard disk drive, example C:\PAYPGMS D:\PAYPGMS E:\PAYPGMS
etc. depending where you installed the programs. If they were installed on
drive C: then you can ensure you are in the right place by entering
before the rename.
Screenfile MANYCNF.SCN Screen# 02
The next time you start PAYUSA the above screen will be automatically
presented. Assuming at this point we wish to create a new set of files for a
different client, JONES BURGER STORES INC., then enter a 0 to indicate a new
file and when asked for the name enter JONES (maximum 8 characters). If there
is anything in SMITH's configuration you wish to copy to JONES (example they
might both be in the same State so you wish to save yourself the bother of re-
entering the State Tax tables) then reply Y to the last question.
Screenfile MANYCNF.SCN Screen# 03
If you are copying data from another configuration supply the ID number, in
this example enter 1
Screenfile MANYCNF.SCN Screen# 04
You will be presented with the screens for Company name and address. If you
copied a previous configuration that previous name and address will be on this
screen. Change it to the correct information.
Screenfile MANYCNF.SCN Screen# 05
You will also be presented with the series of screens for G.L. Account number
set up. If you copied a previous configuration those previous G.L. Account
numbers will be on those screens. Change them, if necessary, to the correct
Screenfile MANYCNF.SCN Screen# 06
You will then be at the configuration main menu. You should change anything
you need to change else everything will either be set to our defaults (not
copying a previous configuration) or to a previous configuration (if a copy was
specified). The only exception is the data directories which will have been
automatically set up for you, and "Your Company Information" which was forced
on you in the earlier screens.
We will select "F3 Colors, Disk, Printer, Prompts" so you can see how the data
directories were set up. You do not need to do this unless you are curious or
need to change colors or prompts.
Screenfile MANYCNF.SCN Screen# 07
We reach the above sub menu and select "F3 Set Up Disk / Printer"
Screenfile MANYCNF.SCN Screen# 08
And on this screen we can see that the name you selected for the configuration
has been automatically incorporated into the directory path names. You do not
need to create these directories from DOS, the program will create them for
you. The drive letter will have either been copied from a previous
configuration or will be defaulted to the drive the programs are located on.
You can change the drive letter if it is not suitable, but we suggest you leave
the directory names alone.
Screenfile MANYCNF.SCN Screen# 09
Now we have escaped from the configuration program and are back at the PAYUSA
main menu. You can start adding Jones' employees at this point with choice F1
if you wish.
Screenfile MANYCNF.SCN Screen# 10
Here we have finished the previous session and re-started PAYUSA. Now there are
two configuration files both of them are listed. Enter the ID number of the
one you want, in this case we are going to do Smith's payroll. We will then
see only Smith's employees until we exit back to DOS to restart PAYUSA and make
some other configuration choice.